Welcome to The Ooley Theatre! My name is Elise. I have only recently taken over this little 35 seat intimate live theatre venue so I am in the building phases of creating live shows for our local Sacramento community!
We have a live theatre going on right now, joined by Funny Bidness once a month for a late-night stand-up show and then Prism Theater Troupe who do cabarets every 3 months.
I am working towards bringing in solo or duo musicians/singers, or other types of solo music driven performers along with solo dance artists to grace the stage.
This is a place for artists to explore their talents, build their own audience (we have live streaming options too), or bring to life a dream project.
With such an intimate space, we encourage people to use this a workshopping spot OR for you seasoned artists, as a way to do a night or two of small audience performance while live streaming to fans!
Contact me, Elise, at submissionsemhpros@gmail.com to find out more about how to become involved.
I auditioned here for a show and had a really good experience!
I didn’t know what to expect with the location and the small blackbox. Honestly, it reminded me a lot of doing college blackbox shows (mean this in a good way) – very intimate space.
Elise was kind and warm. Asked about what I liked about the material and the show specifically (which I loved, helped me see her process and how she engages with actors).
If you’re an actor in the Sac area, I’d give this place a look. I didn’t end up in the cast but still had a great experience auditioning.
The audition process is quick and callbacks are also decent length. They truly treat you like family and work with every facet of your talent levels to help you grow by not just working on your strengths but also build on your weaknesses. They will be honest yet kind and very much a mentorship like vibe if you need help they help you with anything you need that you want to grow with.
They also do a weekly writers workshop and will help you make your writings, plays, musicals, whatever you got come to life! Even for movies and TV they host a weekly group and allow people to join their company as writers and thinkers to put something on their stage. People can just come and do the workshop and volunteer to read or be in new works or audition for productions the company puts on. They allow a plethora of chances to expand any talent you have.
Even if you don’t get in a show there, they will still want to connect with you and help you further grow and make ideas come to life. Very much recommend this space to any newbies or inquiring minds and even veterans of theatre – they welcome all!
Thank you for this really kind review! It is the first time I’ve really heard from anyone about their experience here so I am so glad to hear how what we do at The Ooley was taken in and really seen. I want to make a minor correction in that we do a once a month writer’s room, not weekly, but maybe we will grow into a weekly group! We do want to see people grow and have opportunity to do something they love. Thank you again and hope to see you at another audition!
Anonymous User
September 29, 2023 at 10:09 amI auditioned here for a show and had a really good experience!
I didn’t know what to expect with the location and the small blackbox. Honestly, it reminded me a lot of doing college blackbox shows (mean this in a good way) – very intimate space.
Elise was kind and warm. Asked about what I liked about the material and the show specifically (which I loved, helped me see her process and how she engages with actors).
If you’re an actor in the Sac area, I’d give this place a look. I didn’t end up in the cast but still had a great experience auditioning.
Anonymous User
September 28, 2023 at 9:31 pmA wonderful and family like atmosphere.
The audition process is quick and callbacks are also decent length. They truly treat you like family and work with every facet of your talent levels to help you grow by not just working on your strengths but also build on your weaknesses. They will be honest yet kind and very much a mentorship like vibe if you need help they help you with anything you need that you want to grow with.
They also do a weekly writers workshop and will help you make your writings, plays, musicals, whatever you got come to life! Even for movies and TV they host a weekly group and allow people to join their company as writers and thinkers to put something on their stage. People can just come and do the workshop and volunteer to read or be in new works or audition for productions the company puts on. They allow a plethora of chances to expand any talent you have.
Even if you don’t get in a show there, they will still want to connect with you and help you further grow and make ideas come to life. Very much recommend this space to any newbies or inquiring minds and even veterans of theatre – they welcome all!
September 29, 2023 at 10:19 amThank you for this really kind review! It is the first time I’ve really heard from anyone about their experience here so I am so glad to hear how what we do at The Ooley was taken in and really seen. I want to make a minor correction in that we do a once a month writer’s room, not weekly, but maybe we will grow into a weekly group! We do want to see people grow and have opportunity to do something they love. Thank you again and hope to see you at another audition!