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An Important Lesson: Anonymous Feedback to Retain Talent in the Performing Arts

The world of performing arts is a dynamic and captivating realm that relies heavily on the talents of its performers and the dedication of its crew members.

Behind the curtain, there’s a web of hard work, passion, and commitment that makes every production come to life.

However, to maintain a thriving theatrical community, it’s crucial for theaters to understand the experiences of their performers and crew members. In this blog post, we’ll explore why anonymous surveys are an invaluable tool in achieving this, emphasizing their role in talent retention and safeguarding a theater’s reputation.

Understanding the Unseen Heroes: Performers and Crew Members

Performers and crew members are the backbone of any theatrical production. Their experiences, opinions, and satisfaction directly impact the quality of the shows they put on.

Whether it’s actors, stagehands, lighting technicians, or costume designers, each role plays a pivotal part in the success of a performance. However, their voices often go unheard, and their concerns unaddressed.

92%* of surveyed performers and crew: said they’re more likely to return to a theater that genuinely asked for feedback

*2023, Back of House Survey

The Challenge of Talent Retention

Talent retention is a critical issue for theaters. High turnover rates can disrupt the creative process, increase costs, and jeopardize the reputation of the theater.

When performers and crew members feel their voices aren’t heard or their concerns aren’t taken seriously, they’re more likely to seek opportunities elsewhere. This constant churn of talent can have a detrimental effect on the quality of productions and the overall theater experience for both performers and the audience.

The Power of Anonymous Surveys

Actors and crew members are desperately seeking spaces that are open to feedback and provide safer experiences.

  • 92%* of surveyed performers and crew: said they’re more likely to return to a theater that genuinely asked for feedback about their experience, listened to it, and acted on it.
  • 78%* of surveyed performers and crew: said they’d see a theater more positively that had proactive anonymous surveys after auditions or show runs, to collect experience feedback.

*2023, Back of House Survey

Anonymous surveys provide a safe space for performers and crew members to express their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions without fear of repercussions. They offer a platform for open and honest feedback, enabling theaters to understand the intricacies of their operations from the perspective of those who are closest to the action.

  1. Identifying and Addressing Issues: Anonymous surveys can uncover issues that may otherwise remain hidden. Whether it’s issues with communication, working conditions, or interpersonal conflicts, surveys give theaters a chance to identify and address these concerns proactively.
  2. Improving Work Environment: By addressing the feedback received through surveys, theaters can work towards creating a more inclusive, supportive, and positive work environment. This not only fosters talent retention but also enhances the overall atmosphere within the theater.
  3. Building Trust: When performers and crew members see that their feedback leads to positive changes, it builds trust between them and the theater management. This trust is crucial in retaining top talent and preventing them from seeking opportunities elsewhere.

Safeguarding Reputation

In today’s digital age, a theater’s reputation can be built up with feedback and destroyed with a lack of it. Social media and online reviews amplify the impact of individual experiences.

Receiving negative feedback from performers or crew members, while not ideal, provides an opportunity for theater managers to listen and act before it spreads into behind the scenes whispers and gossip.

By conducting anonymous surveys, theaters can address issues before they escalate. Preventing negative experiences and resolving conflicts internally not only preserves the theater’s reputation but also sends a strong message to the community that it values its members.


Anonymous surveys are a powerful tool for theaters seeking to understand the experiences of their performers and crew members. They play a pivotal role in talent retention and safeguarding a theater’s reputation in an industry where both are invaluable. By actively listening to their team members through these surveys, theaters can foster a more inclusive and supportive environment, ensuring that the show always goes on with enthusiasm and excellence.


  • Anonymous User
    October 16, 2023 at 4:31 pm

    […] Establishing an atmosphere of trust is paramount. Ensure that artists feel comfortable sharing their experiences and concerns. Provide channels for anonymous feedback and implement policies that protect against discrimination. Read more about the importance of anonymous feedback here. […]

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