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Back of House is Live!

Hello, fellow performing arts enthusiasts!

My name is Peter DeMarzio, and I am the CEO and Founder of Back of House.

I am thrilled to announce that Back of House is now live and ready to take center stage in the performing arts community. I think that’s enough puns for now.

This project has been a labor of love, born out of a deep passion for theater and a strong belief in the power of honest feedback.

Why Back of House?

Back of House was conceived because I noticed a significant gap in the performing arts world. Performers, the lifeblood of the theater, lacked a dedicated platform to share their experiences, insights, and concerns. I wanted to create a space where actors, crew members, and creatives could freely voice their thoughts about their workplace, whether professional or amateur.

But it’s not just about the performers. Owners and businesses in the theater industry often operate in the dark when it comes to how the performing community perceives them. Constructive feedback is a powerful tool for growth, and I believe that every theater and production company should have access to insights that can help them improve and create more inclusive, vibrant, and artist-friendly environments.

Just the Beginning

And I’m just getting started. Our website is live, but I’m already hard at work building additional features that will empower and support everyone in the performing arts. I envision a comprehensive platform that not only facilitates reviews but also connects performers with opportunities, offers resources, and fosters a sense of community among artists.

Building Together

I can’t emphasize this enough: I’m thrilled to be building this community with you. Back of House is more than a website; it’s a collective effort to make the performing arts world better for everyone involved. Whether you’re an actor, a tech wizard backstage, a director, or a theater owner, your voice matters, and your feedback is invaluable.

So, welcome to Back of House. I invite you to explore our platform, leave reviews, and join us on this exciting journey. Together, we’ll make the theater world a more transparent, accountable, and vibrant place for all.

Thank you for being a part of our community. Let’s create magic together!

Stay tuned for updates, and break a leg out there! (okay last pun!)

Peter, CEO & Founder, Back of House


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