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  • Anonymous User
    October 5, 2023 at 1:42 pm

    Berkeley Playhouse is the first professional theater I worked at. I know that’s true for a number of other performers. I found it a lovely place to start out, but not particularly a great place to keep working–for reasons of pay in particular.

    Berkeley Playhouse sometimes hires AEA guest artists, but they can only hire up to two per show. Otherwise, everyone else in the cast is paid between $500-$1,100. The thing I’ve found most frustrating is that this number has not changed in about a decade. I’ve seen other theaters shifting towards more pay to actors–especially in light of AB5. However, Berkeley Playhouse has not budged much. It makes it hard for me to justify working there unless I’m particularly excited about a particular role or production. I wish I saw more indicators of growth within the company–and in particular, more steps to better compensate artists.

    They often also bring on alternating youth casts to join the adults in a show. It’s a lovely way to teach young actors what a show looks like, but be prepared for it. Not all actors are excited to be teaching artists. I didn’t mind, but I know others who chaffed under the added responsibility of being good role models.

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