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Category: Teachable Moments

Nov 10
Nurturing Young Talent: Tips for Working with Child and Teen Performers

working with young performers comes with its own set of unique challenges and important lessons. It's a delicate balance of guidance, encouragement, and ensuring a positive experience for these soon-to-be stars. 

Oct 16
Attracting More Diverse Actors: Why You Should Consider Anti-Racism Training

We’ve often heard from theatres that they struggle to attract a more diverse talent pool for their shows. They’ll often avoid putting on certain shows because they’re afraid of not being able to cast them appropriately. But before you think about your next production of West Side Story or Hairspray, you should ask yourself “Am […]

Oct 04
An Important Lesson: Anonymous Feedback to Retain Talent in the Performing Arts

The world of performing arts is a dynamic and captivating realm that relies heavily on the talents of its performers and the dedication of its crew members. Behind the curtain, there’s a web of hard work, passion, and commitment that makes every production come to life. However, to maintain a thriving theatrical community, it’s crucial […]